Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Cure,Medicine,Acutreatment,Acu Treatment,Points,Vag ina and Pen is,Uterus,Ovary,Testis,Vag ina,Pen is,S exu al problems,Impotence,Pain during s e x,Leucorrhoea,Fibroids,Dysmenorrhoea,Pregnancy,Abortion,Tumours,Infertility,

Acupressure Point No. 12 Vag ina and Pen is :

Some common problems : 
*  Impotence
Pain during s e x
*  S exu al problems

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 13 Uterus :

Some common problems : 

* Irregular, excessive or scanty periods 
* Uterus may get displaced with heavy physical work 
* Uterine prolapse 
* Leucorrhoea 
* Dysmenorrhoea 
* Fibroids

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Acupressure Point No. 14 Ovary :

This is a s exu al gland, it creates the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Its proper functioning enables pregnancy to be carried to full term.

Some common problems : 

* Abortion 
* Tumours 
* Infertility

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Acupressure point no. 14 Ovary

Acupressure Point no. 14 Ovary

Acupressure Point No. 15 Testis :

It creates sperm and s exu al hormones.

Problems may lead to :

* Infertility
* Discharge
* S exu al problems

This point should only be done using the fingers.

Acupressure point no. 15 Testis

Acupressure point no. 15 Testis

Acupressure point no 12. Vag ina and Pen is

Acupressure point no 12. Vag ina and Pen is

Acupressure point no 13. Uterus

Acupressure point no 13. Uterus

2 responses to “Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (12-15)”

  1. Bhagat says:


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