Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Heart,Spleen,Thymus,Breast points,Acutreatment,Acupressure,Cure without medicine,Medicine,Some common problems,Pain in the chest,Pain in the left arm,Numbness,After anger or excitement arms and legs shake uncontrollably,Arrhythmia,Heart attack,Skin problems,Thallasemia,Inability to cleanse the blood properly,Cancer,Painful breasts,Discharge,Itching,Cysts,Tumours,Breast Cancer

Introduction to the Acupressure Points :(Point No. 36 Heart – Breast Point)

Acupressure Point No. 36 Heart:
Some common problems : 
* Pain in the chest 
* Pain in the left arm 
* Numbness 
* After anger or excitement arms and legs shake uncontrollably 
* Arrhythmia 
* Heart attack 

Both hands and feet should be pressed using an instrument. Point No. 36 Heart Image

Acupressure Point No. 37 Spleen:
It creates blood, defends the body from disease, destroys germs, and cleanses the blood. 

Some common problems : 
* Skin problems 
* Thallasemia 
* Inability to cleanse the blood properly 

Both hands and feet should be pressed using an instrument. Point No. 37 Spleen Image

Acupressure Point No. 38 Thymus:
The most important gland in childhood from the time the child is born till puberty. It helps with good mental and physical development. 
It creates anti-bodies, stores iron and strengthens muscles. In mid pregnancy the thymus of the foetus produces hormones for the well being of the mother. 

Acupressure point no 38, Thymus

Acupressure point no 38, Thymus

Problems : 
* 1f it doesn’t function well, the child’s development can be severely affected, mentally as well as physically. 

On the hands we should use only our fingers but on our feet we can use either.

Acupressure Breast points.
Problems in the breast such as painful breasts, discharge, itching, cysts, tumours and cancer can be dealt with by pressing these points. 
The location of the right breast point is on the middle of the back of the right hand and the left breast point similarly placed on the left hand. 

Acupressure point Breast

Acupressure point Breast

On the feet the points are located an inch below the little toe on the back of either feet. 

On both the hands and feet we should only use our fingers.

Acupressure point no 36, Heart

Acupressure point no 36, Heart

Acupressure point no 37, Spleen

Acupressure point no 37, Spleen

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