Acutreatment,Acupressure,Acupuncture,Medicine,Cure,What is acupressure,What is acupuncture,Accupressure,Acupressure points,Acupressure treatment,Health,Accupuncture,Body,Energy,Needles,acupressure cure without medicine,Physiological,Health care,Healthcare,Health care system,Theory of acupuncture,American medicine,Anatomical,pressure points,acu pressure,acu pressure points,introduction for acupressure points,important pressure points for acupressure,important acupressure points,what is acupressure,

Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (32-35)

Introduction to the Acupressure Points - Energy, Nerves of the Ear, Cold, Eyes - Acutreatment: Cure without medicine

Posted by   July 30th, 2015 12:01 AM  on Acupressure.  
Acupressure point no 34, Cold

Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia Introduction to the Acupressure Points :(Point No. 32 Energy - Point No. 35 Eyes) Acupressure Point No. 32 Energy : Some common problems :  * Tiredness  * Insomnia  * Lethargy  On the hands we should use only our fingers butMore...

Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (28-31)

Introduction to the Acupressure Points - Energy, Nerves of the Ear, Cold, Eyes - Acutreatment: Cure without medicine

Posted by   July 29th, 2015 12:32 AM  on Acupressure.  
Acupressure point no 28, Adrenal

Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 28 Adrenals - Point No. 31 Ears) Acupressure Point No. 28 Adrenals : Females have larger adrenals than males. It is a hormonal gland situated above the kidneys. It controls the fire/heatMore...

Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (24-27)

Introduction to the Acupressure Points - Energy, Nerves of the Ear, Cold, Eyes - Acutreatment: Cure without medicine

Posted by   July 26th, 2015 12:01 AM  on Acupressure.  
Acupressure point no 24. Shoulder

Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 24 Shoulder - Point No. 27 Stomach) Acupressure Point No. 24 Shoulder : Some common problems :   * Pain  * Cramps  * Frozen shoulder  * Joint problems  This point should only beMore...

Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (20 – 23)

Introduction to the Acupressure Points - Energy, Nerves of the Ear, Cold, Eyes - Acutreatment: Cure without medicine

Posted by   July 24th, 2015 12:01 AM  on Acupressure.  
Acupressure point no 23, Liver

Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 20 Colon - Point No. 23 Liver) Acupressure Point No. 20 Colon : The large intestine. In stores the body's waste.  Problems may result in : * Constipation * Piles  * AbdominalMore...

Introduction to the Acuressure Points : (16 – 19)

Introduction to the Acupressure Points - Energy, Nerves of the Ear, Cold, Eyes - Acutreatment: Cure without medicine

Posted by   July 20th, 2015 01:39 AM  on Acupressure.  
Acupressure Point No. 16 Lymph glands

Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia (Acupressure Point No. 16 Lymph glands - Point No. 19 Small Intestine) Acupressure Point No. 16 Lymph glands : This gland defends the body from disease by the creation of bio- toxins and helps cure infections when they occur.  SomeMore...

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