Acutreatment,Acupressure,Acupuncture,Medicine,Cure,What is acupressure,What is acupuncture,Accupressure,Acupressure points,Acupressure treatment,Health,Accupuncture,Body,Energy,Needles,acupressure cure without medicine,Physiological,Health care,Healthcare,Health care system,Theory of acupuncture,American medicine,Anatomical,pressure points,acu pressure,acu pressure points,introduction for acupressure points,important pressure points for acupressure,important acupressure points,what is acupressure,
Posted by
July 30th, 2015 12:01 AM
Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia
Introduction to the Acupressure Points :(Point No. 32 Energy - Point No. 35 Eyes) Acupressure Point No. 32 Energy : Some common problems : * Tiredness * Insomnia * Lethargy On the hands we should use only our fingers butMore...
Posted by
July 29th, 2015 12:32 AM
Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia
Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 28 Adrenals - Point No. 31 Ears) Acupressure Point No. 28 Adrenals : Females have larger adrenals than males. It is a hormonal gland situated above the kidneys. It controls the fire/heatMore...
Posted by
July 26th, 2015 12:01 AM
Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia
Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 24 Shoulder - Point No. 27 Stomach) Acupressure Point No. 24 Shoulder : Some common problems : * Pain * Cramps * Frozen shoulder * Joint problems This point should only beMore...
Posted by
July 24th, 2015 12:01 AM
Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia
Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 20 Colon - Point No. 23 Liver) Acupressure Point No. 20 Colon : The large intestine. In stores the body's waste. Problems may result in : * Constipation * Piles * AbdominalMore...
Posted by
July 20th, 2015 01:39 AM
Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Acupressure Points,Acupressure,Acutreatment,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Health care,Energy,Nerves of the Ear,Cold,Eyes,Cure without medicine,common problems,Tiredness,Insomnia,Lethargy,Impaired hearing,Tinnitus,Ear infection,Earache,Headaches,Sneezing,Coryza,Cough,Lachrymation,Dry eyes,Burning,Cataract,Eye infection,Eye diseases,Vision problems,myopia
(Acupressure Point No. 16 Lymph glands - Point No. 19 Small Intestine) Acupressure Point No. 16 Lymph glands : This gland defends the body from disease by the creation of bio- toxins and helps cure infections when they occur. SomeMore...
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