Introduction to the Acupressure Points,Shoulder,Pancreas,Kidney,Stomach,Acupressure,Cure without medicine,Cure,Medicine,Treatment,Acutreatment,Acu,Shoulder,Pain,Cramps,Frozen shoulder,Joint problems,Headaches,Migraines,Low blood pressure,Addiction to sweet things,Lethargy,Alcohol dependency,Urine,Stomach pain,Vomiting,Giddiness,Feeling bloated,Bad smell in the mouth,Inability to taste food,Loss of appetite,Constipation,Diarrhoea,Heaviness in the stomach,Coating on the tongue,Lack of saliva,Medication,Alcohol

Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (Point No. 24 Shoulder – Point No. 27 Stomach)

Acupressure Point No. 24 Shoulder :

Some common problems :  
* Pain 
* Cramps 
* Frozen shoulder 
* Joint problems 

This point should only be pressed using an instrument.

Acupressure Point No. 25 Pancreas :

This gland creates insulin. If the pancreas produces less insulin than it should, the result is usually diabetes. 

If the pancreas overworks and creates too much insulin then the results are : 
* Headaches 
* Migraines 
* Low blood pressure 
* Addiction to sweet things 
* Lethargy 
* Alcohol dependency 

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Acupressure Point No. 26 Kidney :

Cleans 175 liters of blood every day. It sends waste to the bladder. 
It controls blood pressure and water in the body. It controls sodium chloride and creates Vitamin D. 

Some common problems : 
* Burning on passing urine 
* Strong smell 
* Colour too yellow 
* Infections 

In the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Acupressure point no 26. Kidney

Acupressure point no 26. Kidney

Acupressure Point No. 27 Stomach :

Digests and stores food. With the help of hydrochloric acid, it digests protein and fat. Water, glucose, alcohol and medicines go directly into the blood stream. 

Some common problems : 
* Stomach pain
* Headache 
* Vomiting 
* Giddiness 
* Feeling bloated 
* Bad smell in the mouth 
* Inability to taste food 
* Loss of appetite 
* Constipation 
* Diarrhoea 
* Heaviness in the stomach 
* Coating on the tongue 
* Lack of saliva 

Acupressure point no 27. Stomach

Acupressure point no 27. Stomach

Problems can arise from not chewing food properly or enough, excessive spice and/or oil in the food, eating too frequently, smoking, drinking tea, coffee and alcohol, stress, frustration, infection and the toxic effects of medication. 

On the hands we can use either our fingers or an instrument but on our feet we should use only the instrument.

Acupressure point no 24. Shoulder

Acupressure point no 24. Shoulder

Acupressure point no 25. Pancreas

Acupressure point no 25. Pancreas

3 responses to “Introduction to the Acupressure Points : (24-27)”

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