Rules of Acupressure,Acupressure,Solar plexus,Acu,Body,Treatment,Cure,Medicine,Acutreatment,Acu treatment,Point,Pressure point,Pain point,Diagnosis,Exercise,Fingers,Acupressure treatment,Solar,plexus,Why does the solar plexus get displaced,How do we bring it back into alignment,How much pressure should be exerted,What is the process of pressing the point,What is the process to a quick and permanent cure

Why does the solar plexus get displaced ? 
It is most likely to get displaced by either 1ifting and/or carrying heavy weights, or by excessive gas in the stomach.

How do we check that the solar plexus is in the correct position ? 
By placing our hands horizontally in front of us with both the little fingers placed side by side; the lines of the fingers should match exactly with the little fingers being the same length. Also the life lines on the palms should match.

Rules of Acupressure part-2

If displaced, how do we bring it back into alignment ? 
As soon as we wake up every morning we should sit up with our back straight and stretch our right arm in front of us. Then make a fist with the thumb pointing upwards. Place the left hand over the crook of the right elbow and with a jerk draw the forearm over the shoulder and repeat 5-7 times. Then do the same with the left arm. If the solar plexus is found to be displaced we should do the exercise twice a day, otherwise once a day will suffice.

Rules of Acupressure part-2 - 2

How much pressure should be exerted ? 
The points when pressed shouldn’t cause unbearable pain nor should it be so slight that one can barely feel it. 
If, on any point there is little or no pain, 30 times is enough for preventative treatment. For middling pain, 30 – 60 times is enough. In points which are very painful 70 – 100 times for the hands and 150 – 200 times for the feet is sufficient. 
After some weeks of regular acupressure treatment the pain will decrease and therefore the number of times a point is pressed can be reduced.

What is the process of pressing the point ? 
The points should be p seed at 1 – 2 second intervals. 

What is the process to a quick and permanent cure ? 
To do acupressure 3 times a day. 

What is the pain point and how do we find it ? 
When we press our points and feel a sharp pain this is called our pain point (P.P.) and it is where most of the pressure should be applied. 
The P.P. is usually in one small area of the pressure point. During diagnosis we will be able to tell that there is a problem by the reaction on the person’s face or even by the flickering of the eyes. 
When people are doing it themselves it is easy to tell when they come across the P.P.

4 responses to “The rules of Acupressure (part-2)”

  1. Bala says:

    The article is very useful and clear. I wish to know Acupuncture point for heart valve prolapse. Kindly post me with your reply to my email id. Thanks. Regards. S.Balasubramanian.

  2. Minahaj says:

    Halllo Sir,
    i am from India near hyderabad my parents suffering asthama from 5years pls how it cure without medicine

  3. Indy says:

    Posts like this brtgeihn up my day. Thanks for taking the time.

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