Does the pain point change its location ?
People`s pain point is individua1 to them and is not always in exactly the same area of the point. Also pain points can change location within the point when one starts acupressure.
Can one pressure point have more than one pain point ?
In our experience we have found that this is rare but if there is more than one pain point then both should be pressed. Generally we find more than one P.P. in points 8, 9, sciatica points, and the points of the nervous systems.
What are the rules regarding the pain points ?
When we find a pain point we should press it twice as many times as we press the rest of the point. E.g. the thyroid P.P. should be pressed 70 times and the rest of the point 30 times.
What is the process in starting pressing ?
We should never start pressing our points suddenly. Slowly touch the skin with the pointer before applying pressure, in this way if there is unbearable pain it will be more tolerable.
What does it mean when the pain lessens ?
With regular acupressure the pain will lessen which means that the flow of bio-electricity is improving and the resulting toxins are being eliminated from the body.
What does it mean if I have no pain ?
If there is no pain, when any to the points are pressed, it generally means that you are in good health. But, for the prevention of any disease, you should press every point at least 30 times and the important ones 50 times. If time is a problem then 10-15 times per point will suffice.
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